Friday, April 24, 2015

To convert normal computer screen to touch screen

To convert normal computer screen to touch screen

          Now they discover a new device to change the normal computer screen to touch screen.Now all electronic products are developing with the touch screen facilities eg:(all smart phones)
           Now, a new upcoming OS Version 10 (Operating System  version 10) is developed with the special touch screen facilities. In addition to the touch screen facilities, other major facilities are also with that.
          A new device named “Deopad” is introduced to change the normal computer screen to Touch screen and also with all touch screen facilities. This device is very small and looks like ipad size.
       In this device, IR camera is used. With the use of this camera, touch screen can be used. Like mouse, we can touch, move and tap in this pad. This movements are scanned by the camera and send to the computer. The hand image scanned by the camera will be dull and black, so that we can able to choose the icon which we need by touching that. It minimizes the usage of the keyboard and mouse. Joining with India COCO company, this device is coming to market for Sales.

    On December 2015, this device will be in market in all countries. Now this device available in USA only.

Lost your mobile ??? Easy method to search in google

Lost your mobile ??? Easy method to search in google

         Nowadays, smart phones are used by peoples all over the world. Here is a new method to search the lost Android mobile in Google itself. All know google is the best search engine in the world. It  includes all details to search all text details, images, news, language conversion..etc. But it introduces a new method to search the lost mobile in this popular search engine. Android Mobile users  can easily search the mobile if lost. Here is the special Application for Android Device. Install this App and  get in to the app using Google Username and Password. Now add the details about laptop, tablet, android mobile etc details in to it. If you forget the lap or mobile anywhere , then search using that particular device using this App in google. For this  no need for special command,normal search in google engine page. By entering  “Find My Phone” in the search  text box, you can get the details in few seconds. From your place it shows the Approximate Distance of the lost mobile(device) accurately. If it not possible to search the device(i.e) your mobile is in the reserved area then by using ring option, you can lock your mobile so that it can’t access. If you want you can delete the data in the device completely.
          Already Apple Iphone has the facility to search the mobile.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

To install Drivers automatically in the system

           After installed operating system in the system, we need to install the drivers like graphics, audio, network to perform the Operating System properly.
        To install these drivers, we need to know the model of the corresponding system.
If we don’t know the model of the system, then AMD drivers are used to install the drivers. To install this AMD driver, AMD Driver Autodetect software is helpful to us.
This software   automatically know the system model, operating system, and install the needed drivers in to it. It automatically downloaded the essential software  and make installed in the system.

           However this software is used only for windows operating systems only.



A very simple dish with only two main ingredients.


Potato- ¼ kg
Curry leaves- 1 small bunch
Brown Mustard Seed(kadugu)-1/2 Tblspoon
Cumin seed-1 Tblspoon
Chilli powder-1 Tblspoon
Lemon Juice-1
Salt-As needed
Oil- 3 Spoon

  • ·        Peel of the potato and cut into small pieces.
  • ·        Grind the cumin seed into powder. Get ready with other ingredients.
  • ·        Take a pan and add 1 spoon of oil into it.
  • ·        Add Brown Mustard seed in to it.
  • ·        Add potato pieces and salt and allow it to fry for 3 minutes
  • ·        Then add  Red chilli powder  to the potatos and allow it to cook to get mix with chilli for 2 minutes
  • ·        After 2 minutes, add one spoon of oil to the potato and allow it to cook for 5 minutes.
  • ·        Add Cumin powder, Curry leaves to   the cooked potato. Allow it to cook until the potato become fried to golden brown colour.
  • ·        Now at last, add lemon juice to it. This dish will  be sweet spicy and bitter taste. This dish can served with  Dhal rice and Curd rice.


To prepare potato chips only 3 ingredients are needed

1. Potato             2.  Oil                    3. Red chilli Powder with salt

  • First slice the potato in to  chip pieces.
  • Dry it for few minutes.
  • After dry,  spread the red chilli powder with salt to all pieces. Allow it for few minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, take a pan and add oil to fry the potatoes.
  • Put the pieces one by one so that it cant get mix with other one.
  • Get in to deep fry and when it comes to fried stage. Take off from the pan.
  • If  you want , add some more chilli powder to it.
  • Now the hottest potato chips get ready to serve.