Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How to get Non-stop video from youtube?


         Millions of people in the world are interested in watching youtube videos. But the video will display according to the internet speed. Wherever the internet is slow, YOUTUBE video takes time to play the video with buffering.
After buffering only we can able to watch the video continuously. It irritates people to watch the video. Now, here is the way to view the video continuously without any buffering.
Don’t wait for buffering, follow the steps for continuous playing .

            Use ‘Youtube center extension’ for playing video without buffering.This extensions are available in Google chrome, Opera, safari.  You can use them by downloading and attach to any of your browser. Then make it easy to watch the video without any delay/buffering. Now you enjoy Youtube videos. Share with all of your friends and make them happy.

Download from the link


How to know the message in inbox without opening the inbox


              Day by Day we are receiving a lot of mails. We have to spend time to open  the mail and want to check the mail. If the message is in need, we will keep it otherwise we will delete the mail. This is the usual way we follows. This makes you waste of time.
Many wanted to know  the message in the inbox without opening the mail. Then use this way to make you simple in viewing the message by not opening the mail.

Follow the steps:
  • Go to Gmail Account. Then choose Setting from the right corner of the page.
  • In that, choose the  button ‘Labs’ in the menu.
  • Then it shows the Labs screen, in that make Enable the Sneak Peek. And  press Save Changes button. Now changes made in to your account.
  • Now from your gmail account mails, you can view the mail by clicking the right side of the mouse by selecting the message want to see.
  • It shows the option, from that option, choose and view the message .If u need the message , you can keep or else erase it.

IS your internet make you vexed?

                    Many of them become vexed by using internet, due to the speed. So many will give idea to increase the speed of internet. But by following the upcoming steps, you can speed up the internet.

Keep Clean:
            Make clean your system always. By upgrading the internet  facility also can get the fastest internet. 

Browser Update:
            Update your browser at once. This also make to speed the internet probably.

Delete the unwanted things:
           Delete the software which makes system  and internet slow. This makes to speed up the internet.

Network security:
          If you are using the wireless network, then use authenticated username and password, so that others cant enter to use the network.

Don’t Down Effects:
          To fasten the internet, switch off the visual effects in that system. Go to control panel-> choose advanced system settings->system properties advanced tab->visual effects->deselect  it.

       If your system is affected by virus, then it also make internet slow. So use the proper antivirus to delete the antivirus.

       If your internet speed is too slow than the normal usage, then first check the browser download manager. Without your knowledge some software’s will get downloaded. Because of this reason too internet speed will be slow.

Memory Space:
      In some systems, due to lack of memory space, the system will get slow process. So concentrate in  memory allocation.